World Leprosy Day is tomorrow. Yet MAITRI’s work goes beyond the preparations for this one day. Last financial year we assessed 586 high risk cases, instructed 792 disabled cases for self-care, trained 576 deformed patients, 2983 community members and 417 government staff members. MAITRI held 34 camps to distribute sandals and dressing kits. We assist the government with bi-monthly manning of leprosy sections at the PHCs, and carried out education programs across the region. At MAITRI Hospital 59 ulcer cases and 2 reaction cases have been admitted.
During World Leprosy Day MAITRI staff will be out in force in villages remote and near to raise awareness of this disease and help people understand the signs, understand the importance of getting treatment early to cure themselves, to understand the detrimental effects on the whole society for holding a stigma to those with leprosy, and to help increase society’s compassion for those who need its support.