MAITRI’s Leprosy Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre is the only organization authorized by the government of Bihar to run the National Leprosy Eradication Program in 3 provinces of Gaya District.
Our collaboration with the State Health Services has been ongoing since 1989. Besides formally serving as advisors/supervisors to the Government Health Services in the Leprosy Integration Program in Gaya since 2002, MAITRI has also extended all activities related to the prevention of deformities and to awareness campaigns.
Opened in 1999, MAITRI’s hospital is a referral leprosy hospital for South Bihar. Over 1,400 patients have been successfully treated for ulcers and severe reactions and around 100 have been rehabilitated thanks to reconstructive surgery.
In March 2002 a shelter was opened providing respite care for destitute and disabled patients.
MAITRI field workers also implement other health and development programs.